Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Thrissur revenue district IT Quiz questions 2015

 https://www.bitmesra.ac.in/new.gifThrissur revenue district IT Quiz questions 2015

 Congrats winner Elson A Eldho with 15/25 for sharing questions with us.

1.Company started by Subratho Bagchi?

2.What is Pagerank?
PageRank is an algorithm used by Google Search to rank websites in their search engine results

3.The book that halts print publication after 244 years?
Encyclopedia britannica

4.ID the logo
Visual Basic Logo
Visual Basic

5.Logo of

6.Who wrote the book being digital?
Nicholas Negropante

7. Codename of Android 6.0?

8.Who is known as the father of Pentium chips?
Vinod Dham

9. First microprocessor by intel?
Intel 4004

10.First district with high speed broadband?

11.Which is the country with most number of internet users?

12.First country to make an election through Internet?

13.The application that had crossed 1 Billion downloads in playstore?

14.What is the name of official facebook page of P. Prashant ?
Collector of Kozhikode

15.Id him

Ravi Shankar Prasad

16.Billion beats is the publication by whom?
APJ Abdul kalam

17.That app that facebook makes for india?
Clean India

18.Id this logo

SUN microsystems

19.The android version with malayalam language

20.Think different is the slogan of ad campaign of?

21. The technology that facebook will provide to get free internet all overworld?

22.Expansion of CDAC
 Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

23.A cartoon about net neutrality was shown

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